Category Archives: Absurd

Chris Davis Reaches 30; Revere Deflection

Chris Davis’ amazing year continues as he reaches 30 home runs before the all star break. We’ll spare you with the historical significance and telling you who the last Oriole to reach 30 before the All Star Break was…

Ben Revere should have been Stranded on Third

Puig deflected Revere’s base hit and the ball reached the stands. By the time the ball was deflected, Revere was almost at 2B. Rule 6.09g comes into play in this regard and it states:

(g) Any bounding fair ball is deflected by the fielder into the stands, or over or under a fence on fair or foul territory, in which case the batter and all runners shall be entitled to advance two bases;

I always was under the impression that the “Advance Two Bases” clause was explicitly there to handle situations like last night. Revere had already “safely” advanced to First. So you get the base you are going TO and the next. Revere should have been on third.

The rule does not say Advance two bases from home plate. Had the deflection occurred after safely advanced to 2B, he should have been plated.

This was a “live ball” play so where the runner was at the time the ball left the field should come into play. As opposed to the standard Ground Rule Double which often is dead before the batter is out of the batter’s box. And runners are awarded their bases based on where they when pitched.

If MLB meant for the batter to be on second base, they would state, the batter is awarded SECOND BASE. Not “two bases”. This allows the judgment of the umpires.


Oh Just your Everyday Run of the Mill Triple Play

So I wasn’t sure when I started this blog this season how much of the Absurd we’d get to see. Sure you’ll get 8 to 12 home runs a night. We’ll cover that for sure. But where will the craziness show up? Ballgirls making defensive stabs, maybe a bro catching a ball with his beer and then chugging it or a broadcaster trying out gigantic stadium food.

Well, we’re going to get to all of these things. How about we stick to something on the field of play. Something if you are scoring at home and we know you are all scoring the game on your iPad scorecard application. Well this triple play can be scored: 4-6-5-6-5-3-4.

Fairly routine right? 4-6-5-6-5-3-4 is a lotto number not a baseball play.

Its just another day in the theater of the absurd.